Eastman Minor Hockey
EMHA - Stats Game Information - This document provides information pertaining the documentation and submission of games sheets for all levels at Eastman Minor Hockey.
Landmark Minor Hockey
LMH Constitution - This document outlines LMH's constitution in relation to our hockey program.
LMH Association By-Laws - This document outlines LMH's by-laws in relation to our hockey program.
LMH Policies - This document outlines LMH's policies in relation to our hockey program.
LMH Manager Role and Responsibilities - This document is a guide for our team managers in regards to pertinent information for running a team within our program.
LMH Game Sheet Information - This document is a guide for volunteers who are tasked with completing Eastman Minor Hockey game sheets. It is important to ensure that the game sheet is completed correct prior to submitting it to avoid association fines.
LMH Minor Child Photo Release Form - This form needs to be completed by parents/guardians if they wish to allow photo releases of their child in conjunction with events such as games/tournaments or shared content on social media.
Any questions pertaining to this information can be sent to landmarkbluesminorhockey@gmail.com